
First week into the New Year, and I'm already floundering through my workload. Not fun! Gonna have to pitch a tent in the library to just barely scrape by - and I hate libraries. I didn't always, though. They used to be a safe haven! I was an introverted kid, and I got picked on a fair bit. But not in the library! In there, among all the nice crisp smelling books and the cool air condition, I was somebody amazing. It's where I first picked up an interest in dinosaurs.

But these days the library is less of a sanctuary and more of a hunting ground for nerdy boys. I guess I wouldn't mind them so much if they could keep quiet, but noooo. They just have to be an inconvenience, to the point where I do most of my research online nowadays. When I do have to go, I'm always so full of dread. I'm so tired of being hit on.

That makes me sound so shallow.

I have to go. Don't know when I'll have time to update again, but I promise I'll try!
