
The past couple of weeks have been amazing! These girls are amazing! They're names are Mari (she spells it with a little heart in the "i", how cute is that?) and Olivia, and I had more fun with them than I have had in all of my 2 and a half years of college combined. They've taken me out to like, three different parties in the past two weeks, and have introduced me to people majoring in categories I didn't even know existed!

Seriously. I'm having so much fun, and it's not even interfering with my schoolwork! Mari and Olivia are just as dedicated to their studies as I am (majoring in bioengineering and health and medicine, respectively) and the nights we didn't go out, we spent together in the library. Mari takes no shit whatsoever from pervy boys, it's amazing.

We're planning to hang out together again soon. I hope "soon" happens quick.
